3 Social Media Trends to watch for in 2016

Trend #1
Facebook is going to ignite visibility. They are going to improve their relationship with business. Facebook realizes that businesses are driving their ad platform and they want to provide tools that enhance the relationship with business. To that end they are introducing Facebook Live Videos (this is video streaming). Live streaming in general is a major trend right now, and Facebook wants to take advantage of that.
Facebook is also introducing Instant Articles; an opportunity to create this fast digitally enhanced mobile newsletter that you can potentially create your own ads on and even sell ad space on your articles.
Trend #2
2016 will be the year of the Livestream. You have Periscope which got big last year, having only been launched in the middle of the year and then was bought out by Twitter. There is Meerkat where you can tweet live video. Then you have Facebook Live as well as Blab.
Trend #3
Online articles will take centre stage again. Repurpose your content in unique ways through other platforms that will give you visibility. By other platforms, we assume that your blog may be your primary platform. You can use Medium.com; Tumblr.com; LinkedIn Pulse; or Facebook’s Instant Articles. Include lots of pictures, and even audio or video.